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AETA AED Donation Program

Our team at the Adirondack Emergency Training Academy is passionate about improving cardiac arrest response and ensuring individuals and organizations have the training and tools they need to save lives. We are now proud to offer AED donations to local businesses in Essex, Washington and Warren Counties.

We are pleased to donate a Cardiac Science PowerHeart G3 Plus Package which includes the AED, New Battery, Adult Pads, a Response Kit and AED Maintenance for one year.

To apply for an AED Donation, please download the application below


To Donate for the AED Donation Program or the AETA Training and Improvement Grant, please click below!

Organizations and individuals seeking a grant are invited to submit a letter providing information on the proposed use of the funds, as follows:

Overview: Background information on the organization including a brief history, a description of the activities or services carried out by the organization, and a list of officers, directors, and board members.

Purpose of Request: (a) A detailed description of the proposed project including the need the project is intended to address, (b) the scope of the project in terms of geographic area and population to be served, goals and objectives, (c) the plan of action and a timetable, the time period to be covered by the requested grant, and (d) the amount of the grant requested and the benefits to be derived.

Finances: Provide a current budget of the organization/cause, and if applicable, a budget for the project, showing sources of other funding and the use of funds.

Supporting Documents: Exhibits consisting of newspaper clippings, photos, support letters, references, brochures, are welcome if they are appropriate.

Length: Application should not exceed 25 pages, with enclosures. Provide original and two (2) copies.

Consideration: The Board of Directors meets twice a year to determine grant eligibility.

 Notification: Applicants will receive a written notice of the Board of Director's Decision within ten (10) business days of the meeting. 

Reapplying: Once a grant is awarded to an applicant, there is a two-year wait period to reapply for new funding.


All grant request proposals must be submitted in PDF format via email to by March 31, 2025.

The AETA Training and Improvement Grant

This grant is available to not for profit Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services agencies, including Municipal Law Enforcement. Eligible applicants will be awarded up to $5,000 for Training and/or Equipment Purchases.

Application period will begin: November 1, 2024

Application period will end: February 1, 2025

Decision Date: April 30, 2025

Award Date: July 1, 2025


Scholarships - Beginning Fall 2024

The Adirondack Emergency Training Academy is pleased to offer scholarships for EMT and AEMT Students participating in local EMS Courses. These scholarships would cover full tuition costs including book packages and equipment fee's.

More Information will be announced at a later date.

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